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Luo, He-Lin+Chen, I-Chun|Ça an été|Kinetic art, Luminous pigment| 2011

In-Camera Lucida,Roland Barthes makes an ontological elaboration on the representation of those who had already been taken down by photographic or video devices and proposes the concept of Ça an été (that-has-been): the images testify the once presence of themselves and connect the past to the future. Eventually,they will reach a whole new existence free from any pre-determined subjects and contexts. Also,the concept itself expands in the rapid communication of information age; on one hand,the technology allows people to connect with people and creates multiple representations that verify the connection between self and others; on the other hand,it also gradually demolishes the remain of the human warmth. By employing the unique recording quality of photoluminescent pigments,these works confirm the waning of the aura and human connections that were once here but now gone by; however,it is also only through this impermanency that we learn to cherish those who and which remain.



後現代哲學家羅蘭․巴特,在《明室》一書中,對於影像紀錄的物件,脫離現場拍攝地點的再現,提出了「此曾在」的概念,訴說影像(照片)中的人物曾經存在過 ,透過影像連結過去與未來,最後影像脫離主題達到全新的存在 ,此概念在現今資訊網路快速發展的當下迅速擴張著,人與人之間透過因高科技而產生的多重再現,證明自我與他者之間的連結性,但在隨著科技的發展,此曾在漸漸失去了原本僅存­不多的溫度。此作品中運用夜光顏料的紀錄性,證明著人們曾經在這裡,而慢慢逝去的人影,訴說人與人之間的無限想像,是否不永久的保存,才會有人們珍惜彼此的溫度與靈光。

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