Chapter Six: Living in an Underground World of the Outer Edge
Dwelling Behind the Curtain|film|5min|2016
There is a residence inhabited by the animal-headed blue-collar robots on the other side of this iron sheet. Ordinary white-collar robots are not able to enter or to see this place. This is the most important habitat of the blue-collar robots. I think, if human beings were still here, they would invite the Discovery channel to make a documentary about the living environment in this dwelling. Later, they would give it to the white-collar workers to show how bad some environments in this world can be, and how great is the world in which they live. Such disparity should be reassuring and give a feeling of superiority and control.
Although I very much abhor those who take advantage of the weak ones, I bribed pig-headed robots with a serial number p102i358g645 working in the food factory to help me to secretly take pictures of the iron sheets. For me, these pictures are like an archeological collection. I heard that everything is about to be swept away because of the cityscape hindrance. In the future, all of them will live in a dark underground, and there will be only beautiful cities and brilliant white-collar robots on the ground.
第陸章 住在邊陲圍籬後的地底世界