陳依純,國立臺北藝術大學美術學院美術學系博士。現於元智大學藝術與設計系助理教授。曾獲ACC亞洲文化藝術獎、金穗獎一般組最佳實驗片首獎、 臺北數位藝術表演獎首獎等。作品多次於各地雙年展、電子藝術節、影展中展出。其創作主要以實驗影像、新媒體跨域和當代繪畫為主;長期關注工業、邊陲及社會中下階層等議題及民間故事,並以此去承載個人真實與虛幻間的經驗;藉由口述田調、史學解謎、夢境解析、神祕學技術等交錯比對的創作研究方法,去解謎臺灣在野觀點的宇宙史學歷史。
Artist Biography
I-Chun Chen, Ph.D. in Fine Arts from Taipei National University of the Arts. Currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Art and Design at Yuan Ze University. She is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, including the Asian Cultural Council (ACC) Awards, the Best Experimental Film at the Golden Harvest Awards, the First Prize of the Taipei Digital Art Performance Award, etc. Her works have been featured in numerous biennials, electronic arts festivals, and film festivals around the world. CHEN ’s practice engages in experimental film, interdisciplinary new media, and contemporary painting. Her primary focus is on social issues and folk stories in industrious, marginalized areas, and among the lower middle class, through which she conveys personal experiences between reality and illusion. Utilizing a research and creative method of cross-comparison, including oral history, field research, solving historical mysteries, dream analysis, and techniques of the occult, she aims to solve puzzles related to the history of cosmos informed by unofficial Taiwanese perspectives.